Ce concours est fini. Félicitations aux designers gagnants RinduRumah
, OmBesi
Informations générales
Style graphique
Couleurs préférées
White ink, dark garment. Sophisticated look/ink colors
Idées de style / thème
LC- Logo (Liberty MFG)
Full Back: We are looking for a design that is sophisticated and classy. Think Cigar lounge vibe. The product is a pen that is also a gun, we would like to portray that the product "Isn't always what it seems" or last resort "protective" device. Most of their product pictures show the pen on a desk with cigars and alcohol around it, something along those lines potentially. They are open to artistic freedom
Possible Phrasing to include:
"All or nothing"
'Carry all the time"
"not what you think it is"
"It looks like a pen, writes like a pen"
Type de t-shirt
T-shirt à manches courtes classique
Logo à incorporer
Logo on left chest
Nothing necessarily required on back, just a good design for the product and brand
À éviter
Please avoiding using more than white ink on the design
Images d'archive
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