
Ntika Life Sciences Search
JFL Coaching
ZenCare Health And Rehabilitation
Fisherman’s Fresh Seafood
Way of Truth
The S.I.R.E.N. Project
Christian Professionals Network
Mahogany Tree
Three Ponds Farm, Est. 1932
Shangrila Holistics

À propos

"You can never lose. You either win or learn from your mistakes."

Des✎gning for almost 30 years
instagram: @yudikanababan
📍Jakarta, UTC/GMT +7H

Pays: Indonésie. Membre depuis: 9 juillet 2009


"Thanks for your help and creativity! :) "
Image de profiljonnyfitlifF évalué il y a 20 jours
"Very talented and easy to work with. "
Image de profilApril.Ulmer évalué il y a 22 jours
"me gusto el diseño solo que me falta la paleta de colores "
Image de profilTrending Media Gro évalué il y a environ un mois
"Easy to work with. Really grasped the concept of what we were trying to do. "
Image de profilti0F évalué il y a 2 mois
"Thank you for the review, ti0F. Glad to be able to design for your project :-)"
Image de profilRGORG répondu il y a 2 mois
"RGORG is creative and very good to work with!"
Image de profillynnecolatrella évalué il y a 4 mois
"Hi lynnecolatrella, thanks for the good review. Good luck with your show!"
Image de profilRGORG répondu il y a 4 mois