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À propos

لَا تَحْزَنْ إِنَّ اللَّهَ مَعَنَا

Membre depuis: 27 juillet 2019
Concours gagnés
Projets 1-1
Clients fidèles
Guide de marque
Niveau Intermédiaire



"The designer produced an outstanding design on the first try and was extremely responsive and helpful throughout the process!"
Client anonyme évalué il y a 2 jours
"Très facile et constructif. Le designer a pu faire les changements que je souhaitait et m'as montré différents options ou variations. Il a toujours réagi très rapide à mes souhaits."
Image de profilSRT Knutti évalué il y a 5 jours
"Thank you for your great contest,it's a pleasure to work with you. I hope we can work with you again"
Image de profil2K Desain répondu il y a 5 jours
"He was awesome timely easy to work with!"
Client anonyme évalué il y a 8 jours
"Great experience working with you, Thank you very much."
Image de profil2K Desain répondu il y a 8 jours
"It’s literally exactly the kind of logo we were thinking about and trying to describe! Thank you for your work!"
Image de profilramieboyd0g évalué il y a 16 jours
"Thank you very much, it is truly a pleasure to be part of the contest and work with you"
Image de profil2K Desain répondu il y a 16 jours
"Absolutely a pleasure to work with. Very talented, patient and worked well with my feedback and direction for the logo. "
Client anonyme évalué il y a environ un mois
"What an Amazing experience work with Thank you very much"
Image de profil2K Desain répondu il y a environ un mois