Style graphique
Type de pack
Inspiration de design
Couleurs à explorer

D'autres exigences de couleur
Secteur d'activité
Cosmétique et produits de beauté
Nom de l'entreprise
Site Web existant
Nom du produit
Description du produit
It is a cologne for men infused with pheromones.
Description de l'audience cible du produit
Men looking to smell good and be irresistible.
Vision créative
Besoins de design
It is a mens cologne with pheromones.
We are looking for packaging design for our bottle we have included our bottle design.
And that will be the bottle that needs packaging!
Here are the guidelines there aren’t many
Ideas we have
The two boxes we have added are examples of what we like.
We will be looking for some key aspects we need the name “lure /(lure for men)” on the packaging one in the front center and one on the open tab on the top.
But what we are thinking is
A all matte black box
And silver lettering stands out on the front that reads
“Lure “
for men” as seen in the given picture
Then near the bottom center
“Eau De Toilet”
At the bottom left 30 ml and on the bottom right 1 FL. OZ.
on back bottom ingredients
We what the packaging to look elegant marketable and something that can fit in with the industry standard.
À éviter
Avoid going to crazy you can either follow our guidelines and crush it or go your own direction which is risky but we are open to it and could be rewarding
Dimensions du packaging
3.67" length 1.83" length 0.96" depth
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Pièces jointes
Fichiers livrables
1 x Packaging produit
Fichiers finaux
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