Ce concours est fini. Félicitations au designer gagnant Fernando Felix
Informations générales
Nom de la société
HWIC Filmworks
Secteur d'activité
Arts et divertissements
Description de la société et de son public cible
We produce urban independent movies that release on tubi.
- We need a professional movie poster for our new movie "air b&d" that will be on tubi.
- Here is a link to the trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=slAPfncKIT4
-We took green screen photos of the actors we want on the poster and here is the link to our dropbox folder: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/f3qv…rx4bialj06
-The guy in his underwear is the villain; the girl with the long black boots and coat on with the shorter hair is the star of the movie; the guy with the hat on is the star's boyfriend --- the girl with the long hair is the star's best friend and IS OPTIONAL to be on the poster, you don't have to use her if you don't want to.
- the movie logo is in the dropbox folder
Autres notes
-The movie is a suspense/thriller about a guy (the villian) who rents out a room in the star's house as an air b&b and is a professional squatter that won't leave and the star has to get the court to get him evicted... Later in the film the villain tries to kill the star and her best friend.
Images d'archive
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Pièces jointes
Pas de fichiers
Fichiers livrables
1 x Design digital
Fichiers finaux
Couches vectorielles
Qualité de l'écran
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