Informations générales
Nom de la société
Beverly Hills Pizzeria
Secteur d'activité
Description de la société et de son public cible
We are restauranteurs from California opening a quick-service gourmet custom pizza restaurant in China serving surrounding business people and college students in the community. We are bringing American food culture to China but still need to accommodate the local people. We are providing them with great service and atmosphere. Our pizzas are not cheap but they are a good value. You can find out more information at
-4 Menu boards that will hang from the ceiling of our restaurant. (see hanging menu.jpg)
-Each board will be 20"tall x 44"wide.
-The boards should like like white chalk on a black chalkboard with a gold decorative frame around it.
- Another option instead of the gold decorative frame is to use a curved vintage shaped frame like the one in "stock-vector-restaurant-menu-design-chalk-board-with-hand-drawn-knife-fork-curved-vintage-frame-and-menu-word-107760164.jpg" shown below
-I have laid out the contents of each board in file "Menu Boards_20x44.pdf". Please copy and paste the text from each board to your design.
- You can change the font-size, spacing, etc., to make it fit and look nice
- On the last menu board (Cold Drinks and Hot Drinks), please leave a white box as shown for us to post seasonal flavors.
-I've attached an image of the decor of our restaurant (19.jpg) The menu board design should match our decor.
Autres notes
-The restaurant is in China so the Chinese characters should be at least the same size as the English words.
-The font needs to be large enough to read from at least 8 feet away.
- For the Chinese characters, please use "Kaiu" or "DFKai-SB" font. (I've attached the font below)
- I found some English fonts that I like and have attached jpegs of some options.
-The ones I like best for the headers are: Birch Std, thirsty rough,
Aphrodite, handwriting draft, Dooleista, Langdon, and Quaver sans serif.
- The ones I like best for the body text are: Birch Std, LD Taller Pen, Batang, Abraham Lincoln, Ten Thousand Reasons.
Please use your creative juices and pick something that goes well
with the Chinese Characters and the overall look and feel that we're
going for :)
- The final files should be high-resolution and sent in .jpeg, .ai., .pdf., and .eps format.
Pièces jointes
Fichiers livrables
Design digital
Fichiers finaux
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