Ce concours est fini. Félicitations au designer gagnant >>Jelena<<
Informations générales
Nom à intégrer au logo
The Present Parent Co (or The Present Parent Company, or just The Present Parent)
Slogan à ajouter au logo
Creating Mindful Moments
Description de la société et de son public cible
My company strives to help parents be present in small moments throughout each day. As overloaded busy parents, it can be hard to take the time out to just BE PRESENT in your children's lives, or even in your own life. Our creative products help parents with the time consuming ideas and research so that parents can enjoy small moments each day and are able to just "be" with their family.
We recently moved to Lake Tahoe, so I originally had my design to include the mountains where I live (I am NOT an artist lol). They feel very calming, and also incorporate the idea of being out on the lake or in nature where you are fully present with your self or family and not distracted by work, phones, or house projects. I am open to similar sketches as well as other ideas that represent the idea of being present with your family.
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