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We help leaders, especially pastors and church leaders, experience the power of God during times of personal and organizational crisis and transition.
The uploaded file is the working pre-published version of book cover created by one of the authors in a 6X9 layout. I want a more creative WOW book cover. I want it to catch the eye, POP! COOL BUT NOT TO EDGY. Classy is great. I want the reader to want to open the book. I like reverse print and negative white space included if possible, i.e. something stands out from the background and is creative in the book title. You see this idea in many logos. Please DO NOT USE THE ANANIAS FACTOR ON THE COVER. WE ARE DELETING THIS. The text on the front includes: Extreme Spiritual Makeover. Subtitle or tagline: The Mysteries of How God Works in Our Troubles. Authors names: David E. Zimmerman & Michael L Richardson. Target audience are middle aged american leaders, mostly pastors, mostly men, in mid-career change. I've uploaded a chapter summary if that is helpful to get the feel of the book. I think I want more texture and interest in the cover. Nothing bland, please. I like the concept of Extreme Spiritual Makeover being an icon and possibly used as a watermark on the inside of the book. Hope this helps and is not restrictive! DO NOT INCLUDE CHURCH IMAGES.
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